Saturday, June 5, 2010

pH Care

Since I’m still high on my new job, I’ll let you peek on one of the test and machine I am using.

Tada! The one on the center is a pH Meter, and that goes to show it measures the pH of a solution.

What do you know about pH?

pH is the measure of acidity or alkalinity of a solution. Or the measure of hydrogen ions (H+). The pH scale is from 0 to 14 with 0 as most acidic and 14 as most basic. Of course 7 is the median with pure water as the best example.

pH scale from

I’m sure you don’t care about those things, but I am to cite a more common example. We are aware of the many genitalia products in the market all claiming to be the best because it is either pH 4 or 5 and so on. They are correct, pH balance is a fundamental component of vaginal health (to read more visit We have to maintain the natural pH of 4 to 5 (generally acidic), and using soap with pH of 8 to 10 (generally basic) would disrupt the balance.

But hey nowadays, lower pH soaps are available so just check out the labels.

Science is great huh? Everything has an explanation. That's why I love it!

Saturday, May 15, 2010

Summer Heat

Don’t forget your sunscreen!

How much can you handle? Summer here can skyrocket to 50 deg Celsius, no kidding!

Temperature is measured by a thermometer, these days there are different kinds but the mercury ones are already being eliminated because of the high risk of toxicity. Don’t use one!

Units used are Celcius, Fareinheit and Kelvin.

The Fahrenheit scale is usually used on reports about the weather.

The Celsius scale is commonly used for scientific work.

The Kevin scale is used in The International System of Measurements (SI) for measuring temperature.

How to convert one from another?




Celsius to Kelvin

K = C + 273

21oC = 294 K

Kelvin to Celsius

C = K - 273

313 K = 40 oC

Fahrenheit to Celsius

C = (F - 32) x 5/9

89 oF = 31.7 oC

Celsius to Fahrenheit

F = (C x 9/5) + 32

50 oC = 122 oF

But how is heat being transferred? Well I’ll discuss that on the next post.

Thursday, April 22, 2010

A Wasteful Earth Day

In commemoration of Earth Day let me discuss a little about waste management, it can give you a wider picture on how your waste is being managed. You’d be thankful you’re not the one taking care of that.

Basically there are 3 kinds of waste – Gaseous, Liquid and Solid Wastes. These wastes if not properly managed will then become pollutants.

Waste Management flows in a cycle: Monitoring, Collection, Transportation, Processing, Disposal / Recycle.

Gaseous Wastes – we really cannot quantify gaseous wastes from individuals or communities, but usually those factories and vehicles have some filtering equipments.

Liquid Wastes – depending on the nature of the liquid waste but the main step here is the processing. Usually, a chemical is added to the liquid waste and let those react. For example, an acidic waste is neutralized by adding some basic chemical.

Solid Wastes – here goes the majority of wastes, on a daily basis tons of solid wastes are produced by households alone. The key point here is to recycle, separate the non biodegradable (bottles, plastics, papers, tin cans) and biodegradable (food wastes). Then these biodegradable are processed in a landfill.

A landfill as the name suggests, where the biodegradable waste is covered with soil (but still some treatment or processing is done). It is similar to backyard composting but in a much larger scale.

I find it sad whenever setting up of sanitary landfill is being opposed to. There is really no other way to manage our solid waste.

Someone, somewhere, sometime, somehow it needs to be done.

What we can do is to be mindful of our wastes. To reduce waste production, because elimination is totally out of the picture.

Sunday, March 14, 2010

Let's Celebrate Pi Day!

I saw in Google’s page this cute logo in commemoration of Pi Day.

I didn’t know there was such but now that I did, I checked some details.

Pi Day is celebrated on March 14 or 3.14 being the first three digit of the pi value (3.141592653589793238462643383279502884197…infinite series).

It also coincides with the birthday of Albert Einstein, a famous scientist and mathematician.

Pi is the ratio of the circumference of a circle to its diameter. The distance around a circle is called the circumference. The distance across a circle through the center is called the diameter.


where c is circumference and d is diameter.

So when you order a 16 inches pizza it refers to the diameter. You might want to measure it's circumference by a tape measure but why bother? you can use the equation above and the answer is 50.24 inches (C = 3.14 x 16). Easy right?

Happy Pi Day everyone!

Thursday, February 25, 2010


“What goes around comes around”

This saying has been backed up by the Bible with "Therefore all things whatsoever ye would that men should do to you, do ye even so to them." -Matthew 7:12

But does it have scientific explanation?

Well, in my humble opinion (IMHO) it can explained by The First Law of Thermodynamics or Law of Conservation of Energy, wherein energy cannot be created nor destroyed. The sum of all the energies in the system is constant.

So, let’s take a person as the system, if you exert your energy into hatred, well you’ll get hatred in return.

Simple right ;)

But energy can be converted from one form to another, then convert all those hatred into love.

Now we know why life is full of shit, we better change ourselves first before we expect the world to be a better place.

I know it’s not easy but wouldn’t it be a waste otherwise?


And since we are on the topic of energy, let me give you a simple run down of the kinds of energy:

Potential Energy – the energy that an object has as the result of its position or state. Some forms of potential energy include chemical, elastic, gravitational, magnetic, etc.

Kinetic Energy – the energy that appears in the form of an object’s motion. Some forms of kinetic energy include sound, electrical, light, etc.

Friday, January 1, 2010


Let me greet you first a Happy New Year!

As we look back in year 2009, we wished there are things we could have done differently, right?

Many things in life are like irreversible reactions, that is, cannot be undone.

Irreversible reactions are chemical reactions where the reactants are completely converted into another material or product. It cannot be returned to its original component.

Reversible reaction on the other hand, as the term implies can be changed back into the original component or reactant.

Reactants are the substances that are combined while products are the result of the combination of reactants.

So an example of reversible reaction is water.

2H2 + O2 <---> 2H2O

Water (product) is formed by the reaction of Hydrogen and Oxygen (reactants). Then upon electrolysis, water can be reverted back to the original reactants.

If only we could do that to life.

So we had to be extra careful with our words, actions, decisions…

Because there is really no second chance in life.